More Passed Over Pets Testimonials 
Please share with others. If you don't, they won't know what's available to them...
If you are satisfied with my services, please take the time to write something for my site.
This is an awkward but important request.
Writing a Testimonial is an important part of the process for many. When they go to "put the pen to paper", they reflect on what has really happened and the impact it has had in their life. It also gives them the opportunity to share with others the unique experience of Animal Communication and pass along this little gem to those who may not have had this experience. What you write - and even that you wrote it - can make or break whether or not someone else takes advantage of these services and benefits from this opportunity to reconnect with their beloved animal companion. Remember, in most cases, someone only used my services because they read the Testimonials already posted (or were referred by another...but then they probably read the Testimonials too!)
Unsure what to write, or how to best communicate what happened?
See my little write-up at the bottom of the page..
About four years ago, I got a kitten. I named him BooBoo. He was clearly my best friend. He was an indoor cat, but he would often accompany me to the mailbox or sit outside with me without a leash. I was confident that he would not run away because I felt how much he loved me, and I felt the same. I was very connected with him. He came to me and helped me though a very difficult time in my life. A time where someone shouldn't experience this much loss at one time. I was 22 and I just recently lost my Grandfather and ended a 3 year relationship, my aunt had a brain aneurysm and was in the hospital in a coma and I was pregnant. I got a kitten to help with the loneliness because I was living alone now. She had feline leukemia and I ended up putting her asleep. She died around this time too. The pregnancy wasn't planned and I lost the baby at 13 weeks. I got Boo when he was a kitten to help me cope. He definitely filled the shoes he needed to fill. All of this happened within a span of 6 months. It was a tough time but Boo helped a lot. I never felt lonely with him around.
Fast forward four years, BooBoo was now a very loving, social 20 lb tabby cat. He wasn't fat, he was just a big guy! Everyone loved him. He was such a people person and was always around looking for attention. He was very attentive with me too. He had a lot of love in his heart. I thought of him as my child. He was a happy cat and he made me happy too. My mother often referred to him as one of her grandchildren. He really was part of my family and some days felt like the only one that could understand me.
One day, Feb 2007 I came home to see that my boyfriend of one year, the person I was set to marry and have babies with, killed him. He killed my cat. I was in total and absolute shock. I was so horrified and just could not believe what I saw with my own eyes and the person I was going to spend my life with did. I couldn't believe that he would hurt someone that was so sweet and so wonderful and so important to me. My boyfriend told me he thought he was doing me a favor because no one should be that "attached." The day after it happened I awoke still in utter shock and hoped and prayed that was an awful dream and it didn't happened. His death really was more painful than losing a baby I carried for three months and lost. My mind and body was completely numb. I couldn't fathom the pictures etched in my mind when I saw him dead and laying there so lifeless. It's just too painful to even think about. I chase those thoughts away as soon as I get them because it is too painful to even replay the events of that day. It truly was the most awful day of my life and I have had hard times in my life but That was the absolute worst day of my life. Needless to say, I am no longer with the man that killed my cat out of completed selfishness and jealousy. He was a closeted cat hater. He killed him because we had a bond, my cat and I communicated better that my boyfriend and I did. I don't know the details of what happened, but apparently Boo bit him and it escalated from there and he was kicked or stomped on and he died instantly.
I was so desperate for answers and anything to relieve the guilt I felt for not being there or preventing this. I was searching on the Internet and found Aunt Julie. I contacted her immediately to talk to Boo. When we talked, Boo was still a bit shaken and still had a "headache." It was nice to know he never left me and was attached to my left shoulder most of the time because he felt safe there. I talked to Aunt Julie for 90 minutes that day. I was glad to know that even though I was Boo's last thought in his mind before he left his body and he felt like I should of been there to save him, he wasn't mad at me. He wanted to know why he was killed just as much as I did. There were a lot of questions we asked each other and a lot of things we had to work though together. His tone was much more pleasant and he was happier towards the end of the conversation.
I asked Julie about reincarnation and if it was possible (at the time I did not know about Julie's Transitional services) she said yes. We asked Boo, he wasn't exactly ready to come back yet. He wanted to fully healed from the events so he didn't come back as a mean or hostile cat. Julie told me Boo knew my sleep cycles and would be able to send a dream to me when he was ready to come back. A few weeks later, I had a very distinctive dream about him. I called Julie and she confirmed he was ready to come back. Boo also sent a neighborhood cat to check on me the same morning I had the dream. The cat was sitting on a fence outside my window staring at me. I asked Julie about the cat, she said Boo sent him too. When I knew Boo was ready to come home I didn't waste any time finding him a new body. Julie described exactly what he wanted and I found something I knew he would like. Boo was a very distinct, healthy looking black and white tabby cat with some different patterns of fur on him. He was a pretty, but manly cat. He was pretty macho too even though he was very loving kitty. I knew I had to find him something special. The first place I called had an 8 week old pure bred Siamese kitten. I went there that same night, send a picture of the kitten to Julie and she said that he liked it... wasn't crazy about it but like it. He went in, we went home and it was like he never left.
Booboo picked the name Darius. Which is very fitting. I'd admit I was a little skeptical about the whole thing but he really is like the same kitten in a different body. There are some personality differences and similarities but I know it's him. I did a check up call with Julie after a few weeks to allow some adjusting. Darius was going to the bathroom in other places beside the cat box but we straightened that up pretty quickly. After our last talk, he never made a mess again. He still loves to eat, he runs like Clydesdale with noise and all and he makes me laugh all the time. I am so glad to have my baby back. When I got Darius it really my love for Boo continued, it didn't start over. I miss Boo so much, but now that he is a brand new kitten he'll be with me even longer. I am incredibly grateful I found Aunt Julie. It settled a lot of terrible feelings I had about this whole situation and I am sure it did with Darius too. Boo saved my life, he saved me from a very dark time when I first got him and he saved me from a very dark time of what could of been my life. I still like to think that Boo knew more than I did about this man that probably would of been my husband if this didn't happen. Unfortunately, this is the only way I would of seen how horrible the man I was with really is. Boo saved me. He was an angel sent down from Heaven to save me. He taught me what loves really means.
~ Jeanette O., IL, Mar 2007
Aunt Julie's comment ~ Obviously there is not anything I could add to this to better communicate what this was like. It was fulfilling all around, and I think we're all glad she did! BooBoo was quite a guy, I first "met" him when he was already passed over, and I was quite impressed with him. I was also quite impressed with Jeanette and how brave she was to take this on! and it went rather smoothly. Good for both of themI Darius, too, is proving to be quite the "addition" to the household and an impish joy!
Now, I should note for the readers who are not yet familiar with how these Consults go, that the times when it seems like I am perhaps deciding or "dictating" things (such as "I asked Julie about the cat, she said Boo sent him too."), it does indeed come from your pet or animal being. Sometimes the answer is Yes, sometimes it's No. They have capabilities but all have varying degrees of "ability" to perform or execute these abilities, same as human beings. The point is I pass along what your pet or animal friend sends me. I pose the questions to the animal and get the answer back: Yes, No, I'm not sure, What're ya talkin' about?... or somewhere in between J but they do come from your animal friend. Your expectations should reflect just this.
And in this case, as is in so many others, it proved to be one of the most moving, constructive and fulfilling Consults I've ever done!
More on Darius....
Remember when I told him to be more affectionate, sleep next to me, etc... Ever since our last call I have woken up every morning with him pretty much wrapped around my head. He has been very loving and sweet.. he follows me everywhere and is very affectionate.. What a sweetheart!! The best kitten ever! Thanks for everything!
After getting neutered
Just talked to the vet again. They say he sticks his paw out of the cage and tries to play with everyone that walks by! Sooo cute!
General comment a few days later....
Woohoooo He is such a special baby!
And Aunt Julie's reward ~ I got to truly help someone. Ones. Both of 'em!!
I forgot to tell you - I admire your special gift and you have helped me through so much, everything I have gone through in the past few months is more or less a tragedy to me. I am so glad I found you. You're lucky to have a "job" that gives back.
~ Jeanette O., IL, May 2007
With the recent devastation left by Hurricane Katrina, I knew there must be countless pets out there who are in a state of upset. I wished we could contact them to at least acknowledge what had happened to them. I figured that even though I could not help them directly, at least having them know that someone was caring about them might help them feel better.
Julie was able to reach one individual who was particularly gifted with psychic ability, a brown male dog named Lionel. Lionel and his family had been caught in the storm and died as a result of it. Lionel recounted what happened, and he told us that his female owner had died, but that her spirit didn't really realize it yet. He was loyal to her and was staying by her side so that he could comfort her when she finally realized that she had passed over.
We talked about what other dogs were going through, and what rescue efforts were taking place. Lionel mentioned how difficult it was for the pets who had been separated from their families. He felt that he could help the other passed-over pets by giving them a mission: to use their feelings of caring and empathy to help calm the people who were upset and did not know where to turn.
Just as the Red Cross helps take care of people's physical needs, his group, the Passed Over Puppies Team, could help people psychically. It's incredible how someone like Lionel can take a circumstance such as his and use it to help others. He really is an incredible leader, and I know that he will be helping the other dogs feel better by having them do what they do best ~ extending their warmth and caring to humans.
Thank you, Aunt Julie, for using your abilities to bring people and pets closer together.
It really can make a difference.
~ JS in IL, Sept 1st, 2005
Aunt Julie is truly a godsend! I urge anyone out there with a beloved pet to not wait until that pet is ill or passed away, but for yourself and your pet to contact Julie while your pet is still alive and healthy. I can promise you it will change both your lives. I know this firsthand, as I wasn't given the gift of Julie and her abilities until our beautiful Sydney passed away. It was bittersweet, but getting closure for both Sydney and I was, honestly, the only thing that got me out of bed in those tough weeks following. So now we're going to be talking with Quinn, our cat, who is very much alive and demanding to be heard. This will be very interesting!
~ Connie Everett, Seattle, Washington, June 2007
I contacted Aunt Julie after I had to put my ferret Codo to sleep after suffering with adrenal problems. He was the "love of my life", and although I have had many other pets throughout my life, he was like my baby boy! Not only did he bring me so much pleasure with his funny, slapstick antics, but he taught me so many lessons- lessons on forgiveness and also lessons on how to have fun in life.
Finally the time came when I knew I had to put him to sleep. He was losing his battle with life, and I had done everything medically possible for him. At that time I was inconsolable. My husband, who had also become very attached to him (and Codo to my husband as well), helped me as much as he could, bit the loss was very great for me.
I found Julie's website on the internet and seemed drawn to her. After some thought, I knew I needed some help getting past the pain, but most importantly, I wanted to know if Codo was alright. Even after 2 years, I am still in tears writing this, as I loved him so much!
Immediately, Julie described things to me about Codo that nobody else could know- what bed he liked to run around on, where he slept in the closet (in a little round ferret bed), and also the things I would do, like opening the closet door and looking in on him while he was sleeping to see if he was OK. She was astoundingly accurate, and I was put at ease right away! I knew in my heart she was actually communicating with my Codo. She told me he was just fine, and I believed it for the first time. I never again worried about him. She helped me get past the pain I felt which I thought would never end.
I cannot recommend her enough!! In fact, I now have 2 new ferrets, and I am going to consult with her again about them- this time before they pass! Thank you again Juie!!!
~ Christine G, NYC 12/06
We have a multi-pet household. in May 2006 our household consisted of 4 Yorkshire Terriers (two 12+ year-olds and two 10+ year-olds); and two kitties (2 years old). We have been communicating with Aunt Julie since the winter of 2003 and during that time we have learned many things about our precious babies.
In the Fall of 2004 we lost 4 of our babies, and have enjoyed the wonderment of communicating with those that have left us and those still with us. Our two 12+ babies (Nicky and Casey) were both very sick for a long time.....One had a form of IBS that caused him to be sick for well over a year and the other had cancer and survived both surgery and chemotherapy treatment. They were able to tell us how they felt and what they were experiencing medically and emotionally. Our household became stronger and more loving as we tended to the "sicker babies"....the others (including kitties) rallied around and offered support and extra love.
When there was nothing else we or the vet could do for our babies they were able to tell us how and when they wanted to leave this earth. They were also able to tell us how happy they were to have made it to the "other side" and to have left their failing bodies behind. Nicky died in May and Casey died in July. Our household misses them terribly and we are still grieving their loss.
Our babies have told us that they wanted new "babies" added to the household to help ease their pain (and they wanted healthy babies!) At the beginning of August we welcomed two new 10 week old babies into our home and our hearts. We would never have been able to accomplish these feats without the wonderful, loving communication that Aunt Julie has provided to us.
Thank you for all your love and caring,
~ Terry and Gary and all the babies in VA, 8/06
I'm feeling a lot better nowadays. It's hard enough not being able to talk to a pet under ordinary circumstances, but when there is illness and death added in it's easy to second-guess yourself wondering if it was all "your fault" as the pet owner for not noticing the early warning signs. Now that I know that Festus regards those things as not important to him, it's a great weight off my shoulders. I can now easily remember the happy times we had with him without dwelling on those sad last days.
Tammy (her 10 year old daughter who also got to talk with Festus) is also doing a lot better. She had "shut down" and wouldn't talk about things for several days, but now that she's had a chance to talk to Festus, she's opening up and just letting her feelings just happen. She's always been afraid of her own emotions; when she was younger they would often get away from her, resulting in a lot of problems at school (this was before we knew she had special needs). Getting out of control like that would frighten her, and she learned to shut down to prevent meltdowns. It's helped her a lot to know that Festus did stick around in spirit form for a while, and that it's possible to talk with him again if she feels the need.
Kat Kirkpatrick, MA Dec 2005
I talked for the first time with Flash recently when his owner was concerned about his health. This boy was and remains very spiritually aware, and had some incredible things to pass along. Regarding the "physical", he knew exactly how he wanted things to be for himself, Mommy and Daddy. Here are two emails regarding Flash's passing.
Flash went peacefully today about 2:15. There could not have been a more serene transition. Thank you for your part in putting my mind at ease, and for helping Flash to tell me what is on his mind.
Thanks Julie... Yes, Flash passed peacefully today. It was beautiful, full of love, and "as it should be".
This last part ("as it should be") was very fulfilling to hear! The details he covered during our talks (how he wanted things thought of, addressed, and taken care of) were very important to him and as a result, very important to Aunt Julie. So reading even just that part was one of the most fulfilling moments I've had!
DK in IL
I am at peace with the loss of Rumor, I know his life was full of love and I did my best for him. I know he is watching down on me and sending his never ending strength to survive. My unending thanks to IMOM, Celia, and Aunt Julie for all you have done.
~ Cathy V. in GA, 6/05
Dear Julie,
How can I possibly thank you for the gift you gave me today?! I feel like a new person and I'm sure you have heard this many times, it is as if a burden has been lifted from my heart. Everything that you said was absolutely correct, you read Porter so well and I now know that she is here with me .
I am relaxed and happy and ready to get on with my life knowing that Porter is beside me. I have been full of deep anguish and have had constant dreams of suffocating, of being devoured by alligators, etc. When you said that I need to sleep more, I couldn't believe it. I have never gotten so little sleep in my life. I am up until 3 or 4 am, sometimes later and then back up again at 7 or 8 am. No wonder Porter couldn't come to me!
Julie, do you know how much peace and happiness you have given and do give to others? It is the reason you are here. I feel the need to keep in contact with Porter while I am in China. I will be referring you to my family and friends.
Again, thank you for changing my life today. Please feel free to use whatever part of this as a Testimonial and I can write more if you would like.
~ Sherry P. (in China)
Like some of you who are hopefully reading this I was a bit skeptical. I believe that there is much more to life and after-life than meets the eye and religion is a poor explanation for anything except perhaps how we can better treat our fellow humans. I was raised fundamentalist Christian so any kind of "Para-normal activity" was chalked up to the devil, end of discussion. But I was blessed with an open mind so I was willing to try it out, what the heck, I had spent more on a night out on the town.
I had/have a cat named Agatha, a beautiful Siamese mix who was so incredibly gentle and laid back you couldn't help but want to pick her up and hold her, just so you could get that sweetness close to you, as if it might stick. I got her when she was approximately 4, had her for 7 years, had to give her up for two years (where she went to Oregon to live on a ranch) during that time I broke my back and had a LONG recovery period, during that time I got her back, much to my surprise. She didn't seem surprised at all. Since I was laid up for several years, we really began to bond in a way I had never bonded with anyone or anything before. I felt that we were communicating but I wasn't sure how much of it was my projection and how much of it was really her. Animals don't talk the way we do, at least to me, it's more like pictures or ideas. Anyway, I noticed her slowing down, she was getting grey hair, she was having trouble going to the bathroom and I wasn't sure how comfortable she was and since I didn't know how old she really was (around 14 at this point) I asked Julie to talk to Aggie to find out how she was feeling and if she was ready to go soon or what the deal was.
What I got back blew my mind.
Aggie had a lot to say.
First off, Julie suddenly knew things about me that there is NO WAY she could have known unless Aggie told her, things I haven't even ever told another person.
Skepticism gone; immediately, permanently.
But this isn't about me so much. Aggie was feeling her age, a little creaky in her bones, she could tell her body was beginning to give out and she knew it. She was as worried about me as I was about her. I am crying as I write this. After that first consultation there was an immediate difference in Aggie's behavior, she was trying to assuage my fears that she was withdrawing and came out to the living room to visit that night for the first time in months. I was amazed. She told Julie that she would stick around as long as she could, I made her stick around longer because I was selfish and couldn't stand the thought of her leaving. I got a Christmas card from Julie saying to "enjoy one another" and I knew the end was near. I took Aggie with me on several trips out of the house, out to the country and to the store, little things like that to let her see the world a little bit more before she had to go. Eventually I could tell that it was time, she was having trouble breathing, and she didn't want to sleep next to me, which was a huge indicator. I had a vet come to the house to have her put to sleep, because we had been able to plan the whole thing out ahead of time thanks to Julie. The last thing she wanted to see before she went was my face, and it was the last thing she saw. OK, I am really bawling now. I immediately got on the phone with Julie after she shut her eyes and I was holding her, she communicated to me how she was feeling as she left the body, it was so wonderful and peaceful and really a joyous experience, she felt so much better. It was so much easier for me to have had it done that way. As her body grew cold I put her in a box and the vet (Dr. Tina Ellenbogen, if you're in the Seattle area) took her away for cremation. Aggie herself is still here. We are looking for a new kitten together which she was infuse her life-force into and we will be together again. I know it sounds crazy but it's true. I can't thank Julie enough for increasing my communication with my beloved Aggie for the last year or so before she died, it was a priceless gift and there is no possible way to repay her for it. If you love your animal, you will call Julie. You and your pet will be glad you did.
~ Michael Moyer; Seattle, WA
Aggie is now reunited with Michael and enjoying her (his!) new life as Dominic. ~ Julie
This little gal had been killed by a vehicle and when contacted by Mommy and Aunt Julie, was a bit unsure of exactly what had occurred. She got to get this clarified and also got to go over many things she wanted to say, ask and comment upon. It was a pleasure to help her and she is doing quite well. ~ Julie
I wanted to thank you for our consultation with Halley yesterday. I actually haven't cried. Even though I know she's here I still think there is a heavy quiet to the house - it's amazing how many gaps she filled in for us.
Last night I felt like she was in bed with us and when I got up this morning I actually felt pretty good.
I wish everyone would consult you about their pets. You have a wonderful gift and you are so generous to share with everyone.
~ Krista in IL
I had to have my Boston Terrier, Eliot (Ellie -- she's a girl) euthanized shortly before Christmas, 2002 because of massive lung cancer. She was my first dog, and I had the joy of living with her for thirteen years. Her death hit me harder than I ever imagined -- it is the worst emotional pain I have ever experienced, and mingled with the grief were feelings of guilt and sorrow. I felt that I had not given her as good a life as she deserved, and I wondered if there was an afterlife for her, where her numerous physical infirmities would be eliminated, and she could have the health and freedom that she did not have in her life with me.
Ellie began going blind in her first year of life, and had accompanying painful glaucoma which resulted in multiple eyedrops daily, and finally in two surgeries which destroyed what little vision she had left. She also had widespread allergies, severely limiting her diet, and necessitating monthly shots. She had to have surgery on her knees whe she was only about four months old.
When she died, I realized what limited enjoyment she must have had from life -- unpleasant-tasting prescription food, pills shoved down her throat at every meal, the frustration of losing her vision, the pain of her knees and eyes (which I did try to monitor closely, so she wouldn't suffer unduly), and staying in a crate for most of the day. I felt terrible guilt, for not working out things so that she could have enjoyed life more. The guilt was multiplied by the thought: is that all she got? Was there no further life for my Eliot?
I wanted to know -- did Ellie's existence end at the vet's, or was she still "alive" somewhere? This developed into a spiritual crises for me -- I had never doubted before that there was an afterlife for animals, but now, I wanted more concrete evidence.
I found out about Julie's "Pet Communicator" services through a search on eBay. She spent several days "talking" with me through e-mail, and ended up communicating with Eliot three times.
The "Ellie Consult" which Julie did for me has helped me tremendously with my grief and guilt feelings. I was brought to face Eliot's anger, fear and frustration over her illnesses and disabilities, being shut up so much of the time, and the experience of being "put to sleep." However, I also was introduced to a little dog with a boundless capability to forgive, and to love. During the several days over which the consultation occurred, I also had two powerful dreams; in the first, Eliot walked away from me and past a wall (death?), and in the second, she bounded toward me in a tiny form and literally burrowed her way into my heart, speading warmth and peace as she went.
I am as sure as I can be, that Ellie communicated with me, both through Julie and through those two dreams. Although the pain of losing her is still sharp, I am reassured both of her continuing existence, and of her loving forgiveness for my shortcomings as her caregiver.
Julie is sensitive, very kind, and sincere -- she has a great gift of empathy, and works very hard in her consultations. She went over my information and questions point by point, and I believe that I received more than my money's worth from her. She helped me work through some of the worst pain of my life, and I am very grateful!
- LC Feb 2003
Hi Julie,
I have been wanting to write to thank you for Fremont's reading.
I am really no wordsmith and can not put into words how much it meant to me to learn Fremont's views of his life, passing, and afterlife. He was (and is) so special to us. He was as much a part of the family as any of us. It was surprising to learn that he was not sure about whether or not he was wanted in the house. Your Consultation was very comforting to Linda and I and I feel that Fremont was comforted greatly also. You described him as a very polite fella. I would have expected no less of him. He always carried himself with an air of dignity and pride. He would never accepted less of himself than to be most formal and polite.
By the way, Fremont visited us again today. Fremont had a very distinct odor about him as he had bad allergies that affected his skin. We often will get just a whiff of him........just a fleeting whiff....that last only 1/4 to 1/2 a short inhale of breath. Today Linda smelled him in the laundry room. He has been gone since Aug.11/03 and there is nothing in the laundry room of his. We always welcome him at these times.
Again, Julie, Linda and I thank you for the reading and for the extra time. It has lifted both our spirits (little play on words?).
~ Henry & Linda Justice, GA
Cinnamon was a missing kitty who ended up passing over and because the owner opted to take advantage of my Transition service for an animal being who desired to be her pet again, this sweet being came back to the household as a kitten. When the time was right, it was reeeeeal right: she got to be the female with calico colorings she wanted to be and got her black and white brother...and I mean literal littermate-sibling-brother, as it turned out. Her name had been Cinnamon and this new kitten was already named.....Spice.......Aunt Julie
Thought I'd send you a few photos of the new kids, just for fun. Spice's personality seems to be half Cinnamon, half someone else...she has shown a few very specific Cinnamon-like traits, which is really interesting. Most of all, she loves everyone and just seems happy to be alive! Cochise (our little black dog) was fascinated with her from the very beginning and wouldn't stop sniffing her (Cochise didn't seem to care about Sniper) -- as you might recall, Cochise knew that Cinnamon was hanging around our old house in Garner after she died...I wonder if she senses that Cinni is "back." She even went so far as to share her bed with Spice one day last week, which blew me away (see photo!). It's really neat to be able to compare the personalities of both kittens -- Sniper is totally different from Spice, but they are inseparable!
Anyway, I feel a definite sense of peace now where Cinnamon is concerned, which is such a relief!
~ Virginia N in NC
From an email I received a bit later, I had written something regarding things she was observing about the personality similarties, to which she responded
You know, that's the thing -- I've been trying really hard not to look for Cinnamon traits, and they just pop out. If we didn't have Sniper as well, I would just assume that the way Spice acts is typical of all cats. In fact, either Spice is getting more like Cinni every day, or I'm going nutty (technical term : ] ). A few times both D- and I have seen Spice out of the corner of our eyes and saw Cinnamon there instead. It's all so very interesting!
~ Virginia N in NC
THANK YOU for writing a Testimonial for my site!
Writing a Testimonial is an important part of the process for many. When they go to "put the pen to paper", so to speak, they reflect on what has really happened and the impact it has had in their life. It also gives them the opportunity to share with others the unique experience of Animal Communication and pass along this little gem to those who may not have had this experience. Remember, in most cases, someone only used my services because they read the Testimonials already posted (or were referred by another...but then they probably read the Testimonials too!)
To submit a Testimonial, just write up what you would like to say and send it to me by email. If I already have a picture of your pet(s) on file, I will post the pix as well and link them to the Testimonial. If not, and you would the picture included, go ahead and email it with the write-up or even a bit afterwards as I can add it very rapidly in the future.
"Thank you so much Julie for all of your help. Your service is one of the most valuable I can ever imagine for healng broken hearts. You have a true gift."
Things to keep in mind:
Your information (your name, email address) will be kept private. Just "sign" the Testimonial KK; Manhattan, or JL, Ohio; BR, Australia; type of thing (or put your name in there if you'd like ~ it's up to you! It's just that I won't add it in there.)
Try to think in terms of what your ideas were about Animal Communication prior to the Consultation your animal (and you) received. What convinced you to try "Aunt" Julie's services? What got through to you?
I'm not putting words in your mouth, but at the reader's end, it's sometimes better to have some convincing details rather than, "It went well!". Perhaps review some of the Testimonials already posted to see what other readers have thought were relevant for others to consider.
Think unique - think "confirming details" - think perhaps a few surprises or eye-openers along the way - think results.
And Thank You!
Warmest regards,
"Aunt" Julie
Pet Communicator
You'll see more Testimonials & Case Histories as I add to this website! Browse the site periodically - and be sure to refer your friends over to my site to read these Testimonials for themselves!
All site contents Copyright (c) 2002, 2010 Julie Rich.