"Thanks so much for your tireless support. I am grateful for the time your have taken to respond so thoughtfully in the midst of your busy life and all the demands your work puts on you. You are an angel!" ~ MD
"THANK YOU so very, very much for the comm with Groucho. You have NO idea how much weight was lifted off of my shoulders after your phone call. I literally slept like a log that night and each night since. It's been wonderful!!" ~ JO
(None at this time ~ April 2010)
I have no Postcard specials at this time... Thank you for all who participated in the last one!
I am having a
"Welcome to Summer" Sale
through the end of July
First time talks with a pet, the Initial Consultation, are now 30% off! That's $60 instead of $90 for that first hour.
All other rates remain. (Hourly / follow-up / ongoing are $60/hr. Foster/Rescue rates are $55/hr.)
You need to purchase AND use the time within the sale period. With past Sales I've had, it was just buying the time, so plan ahead on this one!
This does not apply to Gift Certificates or buying someone some Consult time. This is designed especially for YOU to get for your own pet(s) and within a certain time frame. This is truly just a WELCOME for those Aunt Julie newbies ~ new additions to your household, and/or that pet you've skipped over and over, figuring you'd get around to them "sometime". Well, "sometime" is here for them now! Yay!
This does not affect any monies or credit "on account" from payments, earlier sales or discounts, etc. This is from this point forward and applies to your buying an Initial Consult for a new pet or a new-to-Aunt Julie pet and the service must be delivered within the sale time frame as well.
Sale ends midnight the last day of July. (Midnight Saturday the 31st of July 2010)
As many of you know, I can send you a micro-cassette of our talk. I tape them for transciring purposes and ultimately just re-use the tapes (NO, no one gets them.. Mom's my transcriber, that's it) and I have no problem popping you one in the mail.
I HAVE to start charging $5 for this! This covers the cost of the tape (one or two, by the way, I'll cover two if your Consult goes that long), the postage and incidentals for packing it securely, and, each has to be hand stamped so pretty much unless we happen to see a mailman, each is driven to the Post Office and we wait in line and then give it to the postal worker and have them hand stamp it. Hopefully it doesn't arrive crushed at your end anyway! That's R A R E and we've never actually had a tape destroyed, just some of the packaging or the little plastic case we put the case in. The tapes were still fine.
The point being the $5 is covering a bit of this and that. But the outlay itself has gone up of late.. tape and postage.. you know how it goes.....
Audio-wise, I can only recall 2 times ever where the tape arrived and it was blank, so if that occurs with your tape, let me know and I'll PayPal the $5 back. Even when the little casing might have a crack, the tape was fine. The audio is what the audio is, I lay in bed for comfort and the recorders are right next to me on a table and by my speakerphone, and they record things. Pretty much both sides are fully audible (me, you) but even if you can't hear, for example, every word you said, you'll be able track with things based on what I said and also the fact that, well, you were there! So instructions on what the pet wants for his passing, when he describes in great detail "where it hurts", messages he'd like you to pass along to a fellow family member who was not there for the Consult - whatever - well, it can be helpful to have that tape.
Many don't want it and that's fine, too. Your choice. I'm unsure I'd want to hear myself! but that's just me (smile). I do get emails from folks who are thrilled when they receive them and do have others have a listen (or not).
I do know that I don't listen to the tapes (but then, that's because I don't want to start snapping the pets' attentions right back over onto Aunt Julie and open doors again with Mommy or Daddy bein' part of it!!)
You can pay for your tape by using the "Open Link" on my ordering page, or going straight to PayPal's site and paying my email address petcomm@aol.com. Do let me know you'd like one, if I forget to ask.
I FINALLY ACQUIRED THE PETCOMM.COM DOMAIN NAME! I'd been trying to get that for some years and whoever owned it before was holding onto it but not using it. They finally released it and I bought it and I own it for 10 years (on an ongoing basis - I'll renew as necessary), the current maximum on how long one can purchase a domain name for.
Why do you care?
 "Dot com" is the most familiar domain name buzzword around. You can remember my site's "address" easier! for yourself and for referrals.
 Based on the above, when you think of Aunt Julie but forget that my site is a "dot net", you might type in petcomm.com. Makes sense, right? In the past, you would not have gotten my site. Now you will!
 Petcomm dot comm SOUNDS LIKE "comm" like Communicator. It also sounds cool to say just because it does..... pet comm dot comm. Whee!
 Either/both addresses are the same site. That is, petcomm.net and petcomm.com are the same. One just points to the other.
 Update your records and bookmarks or don't, it's no matter - you'll find my site either way! But do remember petcomm.com (as well as petcomm.net) in case it comes up.
Yes, I'll be adding this onto my business cards and so on, but what you have is still valid and remains so!
NOTE As of January 1, 2006, I no longer take on Lost/Missing Pets. For awhile I tried an experiment of just doing ONE Initial Consultation regarding the subject but after 4 different times (2 with existing clients and 2 with new clients who pleaded with me to try it), things turned out exactly the same (variations on a theme).
This applies to any existing clients or those just now coming onboard. Existing clients please contact me about this IF the need arises; I will need to go over some things with you.
I am (truly) sorry if this creates any upset.
This decision is made is a result of countless hours of doing this kind of communication. I have provided a page on Lost and Missing Pets on my site which you can read if you'd like. I actually highly recommend doing so. It may be of use to you as there are some ideas and tips. As a matter of fact, I received an email recently from someone I did not even know who read that page and had good success getting their pets back, just from applying one of the tips on the page. The page does also go into more detail about why I am no longer taking on new missing/lost pet clients so that if/when you find someone who will, you can have a better idea of how things might go, and, so that you can better understand my outlook on things.
The answer truly is....No, I won't do it.
If you are not already an Aunt Julie client, please do contact me for comm with your pet (living or passed over) for any other basis than finding or recovering a lost or missing pet.
Announcements to Existing Clients o
Existing Clients ~ Quick Request
Note to existing clients:
If your info has changed at all, please email me and bring me up-to-date. This includes new address, new tel number, new cell number, new work number, (AND if the old ones are still valid or not.) Also, any pet "news", definitely new or changed email addresses, and anything else like that. You'd be surprised at how many people forget to pass along some key detail which affects my being able to get ahold of them. Thank you!
Did You Forget? 
For those of you who were going to write a Testimonial for my site and just never got around to it...now's a good time! I'm putting this note on this page as I assume you're here to acquire more Consult time with Aunt Julie so it was a good place to catch your eye with this note. NOTE I'm always looking for Testimonials on Multiple Pet households as people tend to forget what it was like "before"...and other people will benefit from this service but perhaps no idea what changes are possible!
I try to do all I can to accomodate and best service you and it really helps me and others to have Testimonials to read - YOUR story - but I can't write it as well as you can! I fit you in....can you fit me in?
Just email it to me like any other email and I'll take it from there. Thanks!

Aunt Julie was interviewed in
The Village Voice
Article: Listening to Fido - A Different Kind of A.I. (Anya Kamenetz)
Steve Irwin 
You all know what happened.
From an Aussie news article I read at the time:
"He boasted that all the money he earned was spent on wildlife and it appears to be true. He lived in a modest bungalow and spent millions buying up areas of wilderness for parks. His commitment to animals was absolute and recently he received a lot of flak for his perceived role in having crocodile hunting banned.
His empire poured money back into film productions, his Australia Zoo and property purchases. He had conservation projects in Fiji, Vanuatu and the US, and was continually buying tracts of land to reinstate endangered fauna. Estimates are of more than 24,300ha of conservation property in Australia.
He also had a dream to buy a Queensland island to restore a couple of endangered species, including Sumatran tigers.
"The Croc Hunter's about wildlife, conservation, saving wilderness areas, jumping on crocs, it's all about very positive things," he said. "And I firmly believe our success is not only helping wilderness and wildlife, it's helping humanity. The Croc Hunter's all about saving the world, it really is."
F With all the press and coverage his death received, I stumbled upon what I considered to be the best I'd seen, the motherlode, at least regarding how I feel about the man. December 2006's Mens Journal magazine (Steve's on the cover) has this great article. It speaks for itself....and is especially handy for referrals to those pesky folks who just don't seem to, well, "get" Steve or how legitimate he really was, or simply are unable to see genuine enthusiasm as anything other than something odd!
I was so impressed with the Mens Journal article that I wrote a Letter to the Editor about it.
They published it! It's in the February '07issue. There were no active links to their Letters to the Editor it so I simply scanned it so you can see/read what I wrote. I was proud that they not only published it but featured it (and put it above the men's! lol) If you can get your hands on the Dec 2006 and/or Jan 2007 issues, that's cool.... but in any case, you can see things here on my site.
The issue with the article... December 2006
The issue that published my letter about him / the article... Jan 2007, Matthew Fox cover
And my favorite footage of him because not only is it funny (catch the "Sheila" references <g>) but it shows his good nature and spirit of play!
Hysterical! I recall seeing this when it aired. Jay Leno's interne Ross is known for his flamboyant, effeminite behavior. The contrast between him and Steve as they handled snakes, tarantulas and gators is fun all around. You can tell they both had a great time - you will, too. It's also nice and long, not just a short excerpt.
Here's the link:
All site contents Copyright (c) 2002, 2010 Julie Rich.