Pet Psychic?
Pet Communicator?
Yes, I can actually "get" what your pet is trying to tell you!
Meet Fox Mulder Rich - My Baby!
Scroll down to read....
Ask me how YOUR pet's picture can be on my web site too!
Behavior & Issues
Life changes
Regular check-ins
Passing Over Planning & Passed Over Re-connection
"It's almost like we have a new person (dog) in the house. You are a miracle worker."
"Lots make sense!"
HIGHLY RECOMMEND! She knows what they are thinking..OMG!!! TRY HER! WOW!
My cat & I are glad we found you!!!!!
"AMAZING! Thank you Julie for an accurate and helpful session. Blessings :-)"
"I've had other 'pet readings' done -- YOU ARE THE BEST AND THE REAL THING!"
"Amazing experience! Caring, devoted to her work/animals. Do if you love your pet!"
"Enjoyed the talk, and I feel now we can be helped. Thanks Julie."
"Very friendly and caring! Great, detailed and interesting pet reading!"
"I really enjoyed it and it gave me a lot to think about."
"Not only 20 Golden Stars! Rate Her with the ...galaxy! "
"Truly a friendly and caring person. Really an amazing experience. Thank You!"
" I swear that there's a noticeable difference in her behavior since you and she 'chatted'. She's been ever soooooo much more affectionate with me, following me around and lying down right in my path. She's always been affectionate, but recently she's become much more expressive. My husband's even noticed how much more responsive she is to me."
"Truly a friendly and caring person. Really an amazing experience. Thank You!"
"This was a amazing experience. Julie is a wonderful person very easy to talk to"
"Gracious and professional host - pet reading valuable & highly recommended"
"Aunt Julie is the BEST! We wouldn't know what to do without her services!"
"Fantastic!!! She knows her stuff and I couldn't be happier!"
"I really appreciate your help with both kitties."
"Thank You again for making my perfect dog so much happier"
"MY PRAISE TO YOU!!!! I don't know how you do it???????"
"What a fabulous reading! Thanks so much, this is so helpful to try to understand him!"
"Great reading!! Answered my concerns about my cat"
"Some of the things he used to do make more sense."
"I really appreciate your devotion to this dog."
"I was amazed from the beginning...!"
"Just wanted to say--you/he make me cry. He's so proud of himself and I'm so grateful that he could connect with you."
"AWESOME!!!! Aunt Julie is great and right on the money!! Thanks."
"Thank you Julie for bringing my little one closer to me than ever."
"I had no idea he was able to pick up on that!"
"Boy, if anyone ever had any doubt about your ability to communicate with the animals ~ after something like this, there is NO way they could EVER doubt it again!!!!"
"Just want to say a quick THANKS for being there for both of us! I know it means so much to D, and to me as well. He's just so smart and he needs to know people get him--I think it would be so much harder for him with all his intelligence if he didn't feel like he could communicate this way. And of course, it's helping me SO much to understand where he's coming from. So thanks again!!"
"Excellent and informative pet reading!! Superb communication! Thank you!!!!!!!!"
"She relayed messages from him about things she could not have known about him."
"This lady is awesome and can do wonders with your pet. She's NOT a fake."
"Very Nice to work with! Super friendly!! Very Insightful!! You've gotta try it!"
"Julie is unbelievable - Things only my dog could know!!!"
"What a Great Experience! Her insight is on the mark & she's very professional."
" I am so utterly astonished, I can't even come close to expressing it."
"Immediately after the Consultation with Julie, I saw positive changes in both dogs behavior, mood, and interaction with me and the family."
"Accurate beyond description, great help with better understanding my pet."
"Thank you so has been quite an adventure and a learning experience and quite amazing too!"
"The most incredible experience ever!!! I am so happy I found you!"
"You amaze me! You have powers or something that most of us don't even dream about! "
"FANTASTIC! Beyond accurate & insightful. I will be a regular client. Thanks!"
"REAL PET COMMUNICATOR!! Thanks again :)"
"T- has been affectionate to me since the reading - even lingering to let me pet her more!"
"Excellent reading, I was told things only an owner would know."
"All in all, I think our Consult has made a huge difference in S- and she's much happier these days. I really appreciate your help with sorting out her issues and getting us headed in a new where she's going to be happy."
"After having her talk with my cat D- I am a true 100% believer."
"You just changed 12 lives. Bravo!"
"About 3-4 years ago we contacted you after T- had urinated on our leather sofa. Since then we've had no problems with the sofa."
"You were able to tap into and read all three individual personalities."
"Another GREAT reading. Very healing. She's the real deal. Thank you Julie!"
"I can't say 'thank you' enough. You've been a complete blessing through this whole thing. I'm sure God blesses you for your kindness, compassion, and for the help you give to humans and animals. Thanks for everything. I don't know how we would have made it without you."
"She was and is an incredible and precious little companion. Bless her and bless you for making your precious communication ability available to pets and their human companions at those times when nothing else can help."
"Aunt Julie helped me through an extremely difficult time in my life--she made it easier, and gave me great peace."
"Not one tear since."
"You gave me such a feeling of peace and for that I am grateful."
"I admire your special gift and you have helped me through so much, everything I have gone through in the past few months is more or less a tragedy to me. I am so glad I found you."
"I appreciate your assistance with this. It has helped to close an open hole."
"I can't tell you how much it has really helped me! Its like that heavy weight was so lifted and it just isn't there anymore. Its wild."
"I am very happy he is now at peace and happy."
"I'm at peace knowing she is happy."
"Julie is 'the real thing'. She helped us tremendously with our loss"
"You are the one that makes it possible for us humans to make the decision that would be impossible without the information that you bring forth....GOD BLESS YOU, my Friend...and we do need you. Hell, the whole world needs you...."
"Thanks again for help that is beyond words. I couldn't do these things without your help. My hounds would suffer needlessly and so would I. We love you Aunt Julie..."
"With her incredible gift, Julie drew on, understood and was able to communicate aspects that yes, no one else would have known without any guidance. "
"Insightful reading. Genuine, accurate, helpful. I'll treasure this experience!"
A real, actual Pet Communication is NOT about whether or not they prefer Alpo or Iams. It's about who they are and what they're about...or AUNT JULIE didn't do it!
August 1, 2012
This month marks the second anniversary of the passing of Julie Rich. As of today, her three books are now available both as Kindle ebooks and in softcover. Click on any of the book covers above to order directly from
January 6, 2011 Update
Today is the five-month anniversary of Julie's passing. Today is also the publishing date of Animals' Best Friend - A Tribute, the first book by "Aunt Julie". There will be two more books in the series, Secrets of a Pet Psychic to be published on Julie's birthday, April 24, and Listening to the Silent Majority, to be published on August 6, the first anniversary of her passing. These three volumes will encompass all her writings on the subject of Pet Communication.
December 23, 2010 Update
The family of "Aunt Julie" wants to wish you a happy and healthy holiday. Please "friend" Julie's Facebook page at this link: This way we can keep you notified when her first book is published, which should be in the next few weeks. Her Twitter page is here. Thank you for the outpouring of love the family has received in the months since Julie's untimely passing.
August 7, 2010 Julie Rich - 1959-2010
This is Sharon Rich again, Aunt Julie's sister. I have a very sad update to report to you, her dear friends.
Aunt Julie passed away last night. She had been in the hospital and even though the doctors were not 100% certain, they did isolate what was wrong and the prognosis was grim. After the doctor spoke with us, Julie asked me to post the following to you:
“I am going to be indefinitely indisposed and will no longer be able to do consults. To the few people that I owe either a full consult or a few minutes of time, can you please forgive the debt. Thank you for understanding.”
If you feel that a refund for services not delivered is appropriate, please email and I will periodically check that email and arrange for a refund.
In the early evening last night, Julie very suddenly suffered a pulmonary embolism and was not able to be resuscitated.
For the time being, this website will remain as-is so that people can refer to Aunt Julie's articles, useful information and success stories. Julie and I had talked about putting together a book of her advice and success stories and had made some progress on it. I will try to finish up the project based on her notes and will publish it on her behalf at a later date. Details will be posted here on the website at that time.
Per Julie's requests there will be no funeral. Our family requests no flowers but if you wish, please make a donation to any animal shelter in her name.
If you would like to share your thoughts about Aunt Julie, I have set up a condolence page on Facebook. Let's celebrate Julie's life! The link is here:
Thank you on behalf of my mother, Frances Rich, my sister Arlene Rich and of course Fox Mulder and Danny William.
August 4, 2010 update: Hi, this is Sharon, Aunt Julie's sister. Just wanted to let you all know that Julie is doing okay but since none of the medical tests were able to sort out what was going on, she and her doctor decided it was best to go to the hospital for observation. She went yesterday and has had a full battery of tests, continuing today as well. They say she may be in a for about a week or so because some of the tests take a few days to get results back. In the meantime, they're continuing to hydrate her. Please note for the time being that she is unable to read or answer emails and also, please no phone calls. (I will keep updating the website with any important news.) In the meantime, for those that inquired, she is at Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater, FL, room is Witt #207-W. Thanks for your good wishes! Sharon
LATEST from Aunt Julie Aug 1st Only checking mail maybe once a day, even last night had sister look at titles/who from and read to me as too weak to go to computer. Appreciate everyone's concern. What it is is an ileus and have 2 doc's working on "the case" as the regular handlings arene't working so I got my regular doc back on the lines and hes got some things in mind. Came in to his office today Sunday! for me only even to do emerg IV to hydrate me as on top of e/ghing else, due to my not being able to even drink anymore, I've got dehydration w/ith its complications. Took over 1/2 hr and 2 arms tried to even get IV in to hydrate as was too dry to do an IV. You get the idea. Will from now on I THINK just use my web site Can't keep writing folks, Anyway he also took blood, tomorrow I get stat CT scans & blood work and we take it from there as to why I have the ileus and what's the right approach etc. Am extremely weak, just the way it is. All Aunt Julie "traffic" on hold for now, I'm lucky if I can make it to the b'room and back, weakness-wise. Way too long story, all of it, to go into, too tired, do about nothing but lay in bed. Sorry for this, can't help it. Will keep site updated I guess every cple days.Gotta go now. Tks for caring and plz don't fret. L, Julie
27 July Went to doc, long story. Am wiped out. No new business for now including the sale I was having, and eBay auctions. NOPE. Sorry folks! On liquids only for 5 days and so on. Just too wiped out to do any Aunt Julie biz. More later.
Hi, quick note, for well over a month now I've had some intestinal something-or-other going on and we're still working on calming it down and sorting it out even as I type this, I'm waiting for another doctor's call. This may cause a delay in my ability to "deliver" as it's extremely hard for me to do anything involving, well, getting out of bed at all! inc luding sitting in front of the ocmptuer, doing emails, downloading pix, finding your file ETC. Bear with me. Now, my sale (below) is still valid and I'll do what I can from my end to ensure I can get the delivery done in time as well, hey, it was something *I* specified. But if I'm too wiped out I'll just have to extend the time for whoever specifically I may not be able to get to. Other than that the sale's the same. ~ Julie, 24 July
What is Your Pet Really Thinking?!
Is Your Pet Stressed Out?
In any case
They want to be heard!
"Your work doesn't just promote better communication between humans and animals. It can free these beings from all sorts of horrible memories from their pasts and help them get over it so that they can enjoy the new lives they have now." ~ JS
I Can Help...
"Julie is sensitive, very kind, and sincere -- she has a great gift of empathy, and works very hard in her consultations. She went over my information and questions point by point, and I believe that I received more than my money's worth from her." ~ LC
to Aunt Julie's Pet Communicator Web Site!
My name is Julie Rich, also known to local pets (and their owners) as "Aunt Julie". For quite some time I have been able to have very good communication with animals and have gained a reputation as being the local "Pet Communicator", "Pet Psychic" or "Animal Communicator". Some have heard or used the terms "Pet Translator" or "Pet Intuitive"; all of these terms are pretty interchangeable, but many are unsure what they really mean. "Whisperer" is another one that's been floating around a lot.
As you may have observed, "talking" is not necessarily a full "communication". Often the missing ingredient is understanding what's actually being conveyed said. This is true with animals as well as humans and nowhere is it more obvious than in the relationships between the two! Further, both ends have gotten used to depending primarlly upon "body language" and some customized noises at thier end and that's great - nothing wrong with that! but as you well know, there's something more going on behind those eyes and you're probably just not gettin' it.
With animals, especially those with whom you have a lot of dealings, you may wonder if they really got what you told them. You explain why they must go to the vet, or that you're getting married soon. You tell them you got them new yummy dog food! but did they get any of it? Why don't they act like they do? Why don't they retain anything? Why do they continue to wag their tail when you tell them you're about to go to the store without them - if they really got it? . You ask some non-sensical question to "test" them and they grin away no matter what.
What's going on!! What part of this "communication" are they really getting? Or are they getting anything at all? Is it all stimulus-response? Is anyone home? What is their attention span? Their retention capacity? Do they listen to language, read your minds, both, some combination.....or WHAT?!?!?
Here's what ~
They have active, vital thought processes no different than you and I. Exactly the same, as a matter of fact. Theirs are simply geared toward, evolved around, concentrated and focused on, things of matter to their survival and interests based on their species, and their attention spans and depth of understanding of whatever the subject matter is. Hey - if you don't understand Advanced Calculus or how a city plans its roads, you won't spend long stretches thinking those concepts through. If they don't understand tax planning or how babies can be tax deductions, they won't think about that either, nor will they overall seem to have the capacity to understand the "same way" as we do.
Where does Aunt Julie fit in?
The thought processes are there, and lightning fast, and the subjects are basically the same nature. What's interesting? What contrubutes to survival, pleasure, lack of boredom, pain relief, lessened stress? The subjects are pondered, dropped, entertained, abandoned - same as you and I do. And this is what they tell me about, and I pass along to you (as well as passing along what you're trying to get across to them.)
My services are available to anyone seeking to understand animals better, improve their relationship with their pet and/or animals in general.
Understanding and Translating. This what I do for you and your pet (or any animal even if not your pet).
They get your thoughts, concepts, ideas, notions, considerations about things, and...they hear your words, understand them, get what you're saying, can understand, and can understand.
So why does it get so weird? Why doesn't the above seem to be so?
What are they trying to say?
My site covers a lot of how and why this all is this way. Feel free to read up on it (FAQs are the best place to start).
Doing a "communication" or "reading", as many call it - I refer to it as a Consultation - with you and your pet clarifies the rest of the how and why. That is, Yup, you pretty much need to experience things for yourself.
As an Animal Communicator, I will ask your animal companion all those questions you've always wanted to ask and pass those answers on to you, right there on the spot. This is quite easily and deftly done, and you will find it a lot simpler and easy to understand and participate in than you are imagining right now! We do it together, and you're in on the process as it's happening. It's more or less like a "three-way phone call".
People are always amazed at how much closer they feel to their pets once they've had the opportunity to see things through their eyes. Pets like the experience too because they now have a chance to tell you the things that are important to them.
An Aunt Julie CONSULTATION is what some call a "Communication" or perhaps "Session" or "Reading".
It is the time you and I spend talking with your pet (or any animal being).
I call it a Consultation so that it doesn't get mixed up with what everyone else does or says they do.
My services are available to anyone seeking to understand animals better, improve their relationship with their pet and/or animals in general, who would like to know what's on their pet's mind, and other common concerns of pet owners and animal lovers.
"If you have doubts; you are normal. I never really thought it possible to advocate pet communications. Sure, it's fascinating on TV and reading books. But to actually experience the breakthroughs, the heartbreaks ... Aunt Julie...thank you so much for everything." ~ TA
Please feel free to browse around my ever-growing web site...learn, enjoy, and do contact me so I can help you with your best friend...remember, everyone has something to say, and everyone wants to be heard!
It ain't just about the "bad" stuff!
I am a crusader for Hearing the Silent Majority. Your animal friend will greatly appreciate being heard by someone who understands specifically what they are communicating, and having what they wish to say communicated to you (and vice versa). Don't you just want to know what's on their mind?
It doesn't have to be "an issue", a problem, or something you want to say. They have things to say as well, even if it's just telling you how happy they are!
I look forward to hearing from you about your pet or the animal you wish to help or know better, and working with the both of you to improve communication, resolve issues, answer questions, handle upsets, and the like! It's fast, effective, often eye-opening and startling, and certainly one of the most rewarding experiences around!
Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions Oh - and please note that International calls are now available with low cost rates!
Now, if you're ready to proceed, though, simply go to the appropriate Order Form page (living animal or passing over/passed over animal) and take it from there.
YES, you've come to the right place!
Navigation links are on the left frame and on the top part of each page of this site.
Each page has a Back button at the bottom of the page so you won't get lost!
What can you expect? As they say, "Results may vary" but....Enjoy some interesting and informative TESTIMONIALS from satisfied animal lovers.
Browse the left frame pictures, links and on this very page, mini-Testimonials...I call them Testimonial Tidbits.
Basically, read up if you're so inclined (I recommend it!), then go to the appropriate ordering page and follow the instructions there. Pay / send info & pic(s) / schedule in and we'll get started asap!
You can contact me via email along the way as needed! Please do!
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All site contents Copyright (c) 2002, 2010 Julie Rich.